A Life in Full Bloom

I sat down to write this blog entry on a beautiful spring evening on my back patio. My daughter is soundly asleep, my husband and I ate a fantastic dinner and shared our favorite bottle of wine. My heart (and belly) was so full. A couple hours earlier, my husband, daughter and I took a stroll down to a local Italian bakery where every Sunday we buy fresh pasta and a few cannoli. As we were taking our walk downtown, I smelled the flowers blooming, and I thought to myself “these are the times I have always waited for.” My mind was calm, my body was able to move, and my heart was full.  

Living with MS, or any chronic illness, is a constant tug-of-war both mentally and physically. Two years ago, I would not be able to walk 8 blocks. I would not be able to get the words out to order the pasta or cannoli. I wouldn’t be able to feed myself or push my daughter in a stroller. In that moment, I could not have more respect for my body and mind and all that we have been through together. We fought for moments like these. We pushed through every single obstacle and setback that MS had thrown at us for times like these. The gratitude and happiness I felt will be something I will never forget. That was THE moment. Although many may think taking a small walk to a local business is just an everyday task, for those with MS or any other illness, this can be a very daunting challenge.  

When I realized how big this moment was for me and for all that I have encountered in the last couple years, I was proud of those challenges and hurdles. They have made me who I am today. You don’t have to travel the world, or live a big, extravagant life to find happiness. You can simply take a walk with your family on a beautiful Sunday morning and stop to smell the flowers (literally). Life with MS can be like a flower. We go through seasons where we bloom beautifully and other seasons where we just can’t get to our full potential, but I can assure you that you will bloom again, and maybe this time more beautifully than you could ever imagine.  

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