Back to the Grind 

Going back to school is filled with excitement, and possibly fear. Depending on what grade or level of schooling you’re about to enter. I know the feelings of starting a new school year but have not yet experienced it from a parent’s perspective, until now. And boy, is it tough. 

As I pack up my little girl to go to her first day of daycare, I can’t help but think to myself how is she going to feel without me? Will she think I abandoned her? Will she know that I am coming back? I know every parent has a feeling of extreme guilt when dropping their child off at a place that is unknown and possibly scary to them, even if it is in their best interest. Here are a couple things I did to calm myself down, stay present, keep my thoughts organized, and most importantly STAY POSITIVE. 

I am a huge believer in yoga. It has helped me tremendously in my 12-year MS journey. So, in the morning I set 10-15 minutes aside for myself to be present, sort my thoughts, plan my day, and do my favorite poses. Moms and dads, I know even 15 minutes can be hard to slip in sometimes, especially in the craziness of a morning, but please remind yourself that a healthy and calm parent is always better for both you and your family. Learn to allow yourself to put yourself first, even for just 15 minutes. It can turn the whole outlook on your day around! 

Plan, plan, plan! I always joke that my kitchen is a walking post-it note. The walls are filled with notes, calendars, and reminders. Those of us who struggle with cognitive issues know that notes are always your friend. I plan lunches for both my husband and my little one, I plan out our dinners, drop off, and pickup schedules – you name it, I planned it. It keeps everyone on the same page, everyone knows their role for the day. My house simply runs smoother on a schedule.  

I will put out what she is going to wear for the next day the night before. I put her outfit together down to her shoes and the bow she will wear in her hair. This is something my mom did for me when I was young, and I carried this on with me throughout my adulthood. It’s a game-changer.  

I recite her daily affirmations to her. She’s smart. She’s powerful. She’s strong. She’s kind. 

Being a mom or dad to little ones is most definitely not an easy task but it’s helpful to learn to be present (something I still struggle with, no matter how much yoga, or mindfulness I practice). By taking away the stress of chaos that a morning can bring, will let you and your whole family feel more relaxed, less stressed, and ready to take on the day because we are all smart, powerful, strong, and kind.  

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