It’s beginning to look a lot like…the most stressful time of the year

Wow, I can’t believe its November already! I don’t know where this year has gone, but its end is quickly approaching and with it, the holiday season. Any time of year can be hectic and stressful. For many, the holidays bring an added helping of overload and chaos a lot of the time. While some are able to focus on just the holly jolly, others find themselves under enormous stress. Increased stress has negative impacts on the body. For those with MS, stress can exacerbate symptom issues and clash with the disease.

While we count down to the end of 2018 and deal with seasonal stressors, it’s important to take time for self-care and try to manage stress as best as possible. Sometimes this is easier said than done. But here are some tips to help along the way!

  • Delegate tasks. It’s ok to relinquish control and ask others for help with things, especially to lighten your load and burden. It’s nice to want to do everything on your own but assigning tasks to others is ok sometimes too.
  • It’s ok to say no. I know it’s not always easy or pleasant but you can only stretch yourself so thin before you have to say no to some things. Knowing that it is ok to say no when needed and appropriate is important.
  • Know your limits and boundaries. It’s key to know what your limits may be and when they’re reached. Especially for those living with MS whose disease has an agenda of its own a lot of the time. Conserving energy and breaking down tasks can help, along with taking much needed breaks and prioritizing to-do lists.
  • Do something fun and enjoyable. While the end of year holiday hustle and bustle can be stressful and overwhelming, be sure to take moments to wind down and engage in activities or hobbies that you enjoy and find relaxing. This time of year can seem like a whirlwind so take it in and find simple pleasures to indulge in.

These tips can help to manage stress not only during the holiday season but hopefully throughout the entire year as well. The main theme is to take care of yourself and know that you deserve to be less stressed!

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