Happy New Year

As this year comes to a rapid end, I’d like to leave you with something positive to help you get your 2022 off to a great start. As I thought about what I might share with you, I came across this acrostic that truly inspired me. My hope is that it will inspire you as well, and that you will have a Happy New Year.

Happy New Year by Catherine Pulsifer

H appiness depends upon your outlook on life – Find the good in all situations
A ttitude is just as important as ability – Keep your attitude positive
P assion, find yours this year! – Do what you love and you will never work
P ositive thoughts make everything easier – Stay focused and stay positive
Y ou are unique with special gifts, use them – Never forget you have talent

ew beginnings with a new year.
Enthusiasm, a true secret of success.
ishes, may they turn into goals.

ears go by too quickly, enjoy them – Wisdom from your elders, listen
nergy, may you have lots of it – Take care of yourself
A ppreciation of life, don’t take it for granted – Live each day
R elax, take the time to relax in this coming year – Keep a balance in your life

May your holidays be filled with joy and may you have a “Happy New Year.”

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