Let’s Go Outside…

So we’re coming up on that time of year again, where winter will be a memory and the times give way to the arrival of spring! Though some areas across the country are still experiencing the last remnants of winter, spring is upon us and we can start going outside again without the harsh and bitter cold, and perhaps before the hot and humid summer feel…

How do you like to take advantage of the nice weather? Perhaps you have a certain activity you like to do outdoors when the weather permits? Well, if you’re looking for something to do outside, here are some ideas to celebrate the end of winter!

*Please remember to consult with your physician before taking on any new exercise or physical routine*

  • Take a walk- If able, taking a stroll around the neighborhood with a friend or relative can be an enjoyable and relaxing time to chat and get some exercise
  • Like to garden? The winter months were definitely not kind to plant life, so planting some fresh flowers and vegetables can add rejuvenation to the ground after the harsh cold
  • Attend a sports game- do you have a friend or relative who plays in a little league, or someone who plays in a sports league for fun? Going to a game can be relaxing and entertaining and a way to enjoy the sunshine!
  • Like to read? Sitting outside with a good book or magazine can provide a chance to enjoy the change in weather

So what are some of your favorite outdoor activities?



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