Tiny Pursuits Of Happiness

Having a hobby is great way for anyone to disengage themselves from their regular routine and derive purpose and meaning from life. Investing your time and energy in an activity that helps you unwind can do wonders for your heart, mind, and soul.

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Easy Home Gardening Tips for a Fruitful Summer

Love the taste of fresh vegetables in the summer? Enjoy the feeling of tending to precious plants? Why not garden?

I have to admit, the idea of digging a big hole in the ground, then having to bend or stoop down to tend to it isn’t very appealing. But gardening can have many therapeutic benefits; in fact the therapeutic benefits of garden environments have been documented since ancient times and can help to improve memory, cognition, depression, and anxiety.

The interaction one has with the healing elements of nature helps to nourish the soul, and in this case the body as well.

Many fruits and vegetables can grow in easy, portable containers; making gardening more accessible for everyone. Local grocery stores, home improvement stores, or farmers markets sell the starter kits that come ready to plant! Pick a container and some potting soil and you’re one step closer to fresh fruits and veggies. While the initial cost to purchase the containers, soil, and plants may be high; consider the reward all summer of essentially “free” food.


There are actually at least 35 fruits and vegetables that you can grow in containers; ones that actually thrive in this environment. Some more common and easy options are tomatoes, zucchini and summer squash, peppers, leafy greens (kale, spinach, lettuce), and citrus fruits.








Consider your outdoor space when planning your garden. Plant containers can be placed on tables, blocks, railings, hanging baskets, virtually anywhere! If you plan to use a large container, consider the overall weight when filled. Plant caddies are great for moving larger pots and can be purchased at the local home improvement or garden store.

Home gardening certainly has its trials and tribulations, but we can all learn from each other. Share your gardening experience in the comments below.

plant caddy



35 Easiest Container Pot-Friendly Fruits, Veggies & Herbs


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Celebrating our Earth

African-American family standing in park

With the hassles of our daily lives, it is often difficult to stop and smell the roses. When rushing from one place to another, we may miss the beauty around us. With so much going on in our personal lives, we need to be reminded to practice self-care, and take a break. This Tuesday, April 22nd, take a break from the hustle and bustle and enjoy your surroundings. April 22nd is universally known as Earth Day, the one day out of the year that we are reminded to honor the environment and pledge to respect our Earth.

This Earth Day, take a moment to enjoy what nature has provided. Throughout the country, many individuals choose to participate in community wide Earth Day events; here are some ways how you can celebrate the Earth in your own home.

Use power minimally:

  •  Allow the sun’s natural light to enter the home and light up your surroundings.
  •  Utilize nature’s natural dryer and hang clothing outside to dry.
  •  Unplug electronic devices that are not in use.

Prepare a fresh local meal:

  • Check out your local farmer’s market and support local agriculture. Click here to find one near you!
  • Try to avoid the oven – prepare a fresh dish from your findings at the market.


  • Plant a tree, or flowers for your home. Trees, shrubs, and grass all help to eliminate carbon dioxide from the air.
  • Ask your local gardening center for tips on low maintenance plants and the best plant for your area.

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle:

  • Learn about your community’s recycling program. Many cities offer programs to encourage recycling!

What activities do you have planned to celebrate our earth?

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Let’s Go Outside…

So we’re coming up on that time of year again, where winter will be a memory and the times give way to the arrival of spring! Though some areas across the country are still experiencing the last remnants of winter, spring is upon us and we can start going outside again without the harsh and bitter cold, and perhaps before the hot and humid summer feel…

How do you like to take advantage of the nice weather? Perhaps you have a certain activity you like to do outdoors when the weather permits? Well, if you’re looking for something to do outside, here are some ideas to celebrate the end of winter!

*Please remember to consult with your physician before taking on any new exercise or physical routine*

  • Take a walk- If able, taking a stroll around the neighborhood with a friend or relative can be an enjoyable and relaxing time to chat and get some exercise
  • Like to garden? The winter months were definitely not kind to plant life, so planting some fresh flowers and vegetables can add rejuvenation to the ground after the harsh cold
  • Attend a sports game- do you have a friend or relative who plays in a little league, or someone who plays in a sports league for fun? Going to a game can be relaxing and entertaining and a way to enjoy the sunshine!
  • Like to read? Sitting outside with a good book or magazine can provide a chance to enjoy the change in weather

So what are some of your favorite outdoor activities?



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