New Year, New Outlook

It’s hard to believe we’re through the thick of the holiday season and into a new decade already! 2020 brings with it the potential to try new things and gain new perspectives, or I like to think that it does. I’m not one for liking change or trying something new but I am choosing to alter my outlook in this new year. It’s just going to take some time and hard work. And even more patience.

I don’t typically make resolutions at the beginning of the new year because I forget what I’ve committed to half way into January and I tend to question myself…a lot. I think it’s because I haven’t really made a resolution I can truly commit to. This again is where my fear and loathing of change has too much influence. But it’s something that I recognize and am aware of—it’s just a matter of altering this mindset and forging ahead.

Of course, it can be difficult changing your outlook and trying to see things differently. But sometimes you must reflect on how the way you’ve looked at things has either helped or hindered your path. If you constantly have a negative outlook, that negativity gets put into the atmosphere and usually comes back as negativity. Putting positive vibes and thoughts out into the universe increases the likelihood of positive karma and good things returning to you. It’s something I’ve seen in action. And something I’m committing to doing all year long. Or at least until February.

Happy New Year!

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