Remaining Active in the Summer Heat

Exercise and staying active has so many benefits such as improved mental health and wellbeing. However, for many, the extreme summer weather we have been experiencing can make it hard to stay active. Heat sensitivity is a common problem among people with multiple sclerosis, often aggravating common symptoms.

Here are helpful tips on ways to keep your body cool and remain active this summer!

  1. Time – Avoid exercising during peak hours and try exercising early morning or late afternoon if you choose to exercise outside.
  2. Location – If you are active outside, choose a location that has plenty of shady spots and areas for rest. Alternatively, consider an indoor spot with air conditioning such as your own home or recreation center.
  3. Hydrate – Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially before and after activities.
  4. Clothing – Wear lightweight clothing and sun protection. Consider a cooling vest to help keep the body cool! These vests are usually lightweight and hold ice packs to keep you cooler for longer periods of time. It is important to pace yourself and listen to your body if you start to feel overheated or dizzy.

Remember that any form of activity counts! This includes household chores, gardening, going out to town, grocery shopping, reading, playing card and board games, etc. Try to keep in mind these helpful tips as you stay cool and enjoy your summer!

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