So You Made a Resolution

Oh the New Year! Each January 1st millions of people make pacts, decisions and turn over new leaves as a shiny new year looms ahead of them. You may not be the resolutions type. Maybe you think “What’s the point? A majority of New Year’s resolutions go bust anyway.” And you are right. In fact, US News states that roughly 80% of all resolutions made, fail by just the second week of February. 80%, 6 weeks in! That’s nuts. Now there are lots of blogs and how-to lists on what we can do to stick to our resolutions. To be part of that 20% that makes it across the 6-week mark. Or even better, part of the (I’m sure much smaller) percentage of folks who make it all the way to the end of the year, resolutions still intact.

This, is not that kind of post. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to discourage anyone who made resolutions or pinky swore with their spouse or best friend about how this year was going to be different. Far be it from me to cast doubt on the new gym goers, food enthusiasts or juicing junkies. I’m not turning my nose up at those who made their Amazon reading wish list or who color coded their new budgets. No, no I’m applauding your decision. And simply encouraging you to take stock and look at your current plan. Let me remind you to be kind to yourself, give grace and that Rome was not built in a day!

Let’s all remember that change is tough, and new can be hard. We come into things with the best of intentions and even if we come out of them not where we thought we would be, we aren’t terrible people…we’re just human. Let this be an encouragement to anyone who needs one (myself sometimes included). The world will still persist if you have to amend your plans, take an unplanned cheat day from our diets, adjust our budgets or skip the gym. Give your resolutions, whatever they may be, your all this year. I’m rooting for you to make it way past February with whatever you are trying to do. Just don’t forget, if you don’t… it’s alright!New Year's Resolutions

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