Working for the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America

By Becky Remington  

Greetings from the South Central Region.  Last week, I attended a patient education program in Bentonville Arkansas, and as always, I feel like I have the most wonderful job in the world. One of the perks of my job is meeting amazing, warm, and caring people.   Some of these people have MS, some of them are family members and spouses, and some of them come to the programs with their best friend, who just happens to have MS.  And many times, as was the case this time, complete strangers sit together, start talking, share a meal together, talk some more, and exchange phone numbers or email addresses before the end of the presentation.

Last week’s talk was on Managing Stress and Anxiety.  The speaker, a psychologist from Dallas TX, was excellent, giving a lot of practical advice and tips to those that attended.  I have no doubt some of his stress relieving exercises will find their way in to people’s lives and make a difference in helping to keep some MS symptoms at bay.  But I also know that those who made new friends left with something even more valuable.

Becky Remington is MSAA’s South-Central Regional Director

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