February’s Artist of the Month

Presenting MSAA’s Artist of the Month for February 2013

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MSAA is very proud to present our Art Showcasecelebrating the work of artists affected by MS.

February Artist of the Month:
Mary E. Hetzel-Tingler – Hixson, TN

 “I was diagnosed with RRMS on Valentine’s Day 2006. I have been an artist nearly my entire life and this was quite a blow to be dealt, to not be able to create again. I started spending time daydreaming about the paintings I would do, and something magical happened. I started to visualize concepts, instead of just copying pictures or sitting outside and painting nature, or doing portraits like I did in the past. Even though I couldn’t paint them, I envisioned and captured the feelings and remembered them.

As I got more function back I did the first painting called ”Pitiful Joy” 2006. It was the first painting I did completely from my head, representing my loss of vision and speech, yet a mind alight with music, sculpture and art.”

Be inspired – please send an online card featuring artwork by MS artist Mary E. Hetzel-Tingler and spread awareness of MS and MSAA.


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The Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA) is a national nonprofit organization and leading resource for the entire MS community, improving lives today through vital services and support. MSAA provides free programs and services, such as: a Helpline with trained specialists; award-winning publications, including, The Motivator; MSAA’s nationally recognized website, featuring educational videos, webinars, and research updates; a mobile phone app, My MS Manager™; safety and mobility equipment products; cooling accessories for heat-sensitive individuals; MRI funding; My MSAA Community, a peer-to-peer online support forum; MS Conversations blog; a clinical trial search tool; podcasts; and more. For additional information, please visit www.mymsaa.org or call (800) 532-7667.

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