I Don’t Have Problems Keeping Busy, I Have Problems Staying Focused

Staying Focused

By Penelope Conway

I don’t seem to have problems keeping busy. There is always something that needs to get done around the house. It’s trying to find the energy to get things done that seems to hinder me. Having physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy appointments each week at home has this way of messing up any kind of schedule I’d like to put together. Most of the time a nap is required after the appointments. Although it’s wonderful to have conversations with different people than normal, it really wears me out.

Maybe one more month and I can get my schedule freed up and have an opportunity to get things done that I need done. Just last month I was out in my yard working when a guy walked past my house. He paused to chat and say hi. I found out he was a PT therapist with another home health group in town. He said he was impressed that I do my own yard work from my power chair. I got a new chair several months ago and named my old chair my yard chair. I am not so concerned with keeping it clean like my new chair.

I mow my own grass with a riding mower that I rigged with hand controls like you would add to a car so I just need to steer and brake with my hands. It wears me out and my day is done for about 2 days after I cut the grass but I always feel so accomplished when I’m done. I like that feeling.

My main problem is that if I don’t properly plan the things I need to do and line up help to make the load easier, it doesn’t get done. Between that and my lack of energy, increased weakness and the inability to hold onto my thoughts without constant reminder alerts…things just don’t get done.

I’m glad to have technology to help me out with all the alerts I set. Even when an alert sounds off and I disregard it, I have things set up to keep reminding me. Years ago that would have annoyed me, but I find it necessary just to get through a day.

In the coming months I have a new mailbox to be add at the curb that will replace an old rotting mailbox. My brother has promised to set aside a day to dig the hole for the new post. He’s so good to me and always works hard to do things the way I like them. I never stress knowing that my family has my back.

I try hard to let people know how important they are to me. I think sometimes they get left out of the thanks they deserve. Sometimes we don’t have but a few trustworthy friends/family members. Send them a note or email to let them know how much they mean to you. It will make their day!

*Penelope Conway was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in November 2013. She is the author and founder of Positive Living with MS (positivelivingwithms.com) where she uses humor and her own life experiences with MS to help others navigate this unpredictable journey. She believes that staying positive and holding onto hope is the key to waking up each morning with the strength to get through the day.

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