Looking at the Lighter Side of the New Year

By Susan Courtney

So here we are in mid-January… long past New Year countdowns and the making (and breaking) of resolutions. Although it is different for me now, when I was younger, New Year’s was the grand finale to 365 days, worthy of much celebration.  

I can still remember my first and only formal New Year’s party held in a glamourous ballroom. My husband and I were in our 20s and completely inexperienced with swanky affairs. Soon after arriving, I proudly stood in my evening gown alongside my husband in his borrowed tux as he uncorked the first bottle of champagne at our table. I can still see the cork shooting from the bottle and hitting the woman on the other side of our table smack-dab in the center of her forehead. Fortunately, my New Year celebrations are much quieter now – and much safer for those around me! 

Decades have passed since that party in my 20s… evening gowns and champagne have evolved into pajamas and sparkling fruit juice. And all of those resolutions I once made… to diet, to exercise, to save money, have all gone by the wayside. Does this mean I’ve failed or lack ambition? I don’t think so. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found that making changes for the better take more time and consideration… and need to be separated from all of the holiday fanfare.  

For those insistent on making resolutions for the New Year, a quick search online will provide some very attainable (and entertaining) ones. Some easy resolutions include “wear pajamas more,” “ignore rude people,” “be awesome,” and “spend more time petting the cat.” For those with a sense of humor, you might resolve to “set more realistic goals for yourself,” such as, “get older,” “do stuff,” and “buy a hat.” You can even find resolutions for your dog to make, such as “bark less,” “be nicer to the cat,” “pick fights with shoes and pillows,” and “be less scared of the vacuum.” Of course, if resolving not to be a procrastinator, you can always do that at a later time.  

My hope is that those reading this post will not put unnecessary pressure on themselves with difficult or unrealistic expectations, but rather relax, have fun, and try to look at the lighter side of the New Year.



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