Reminiscing of Summers Past

As a kid summer always seemed like such a charmed time. Mostly because school ended and we were ‘free.’ For some the season brought trips, vacations and activities that weren’t done during the school year. For others just having time off and spending days with family and friends was treasured. Reminiscing of summers from my childhood has now become a favorite pastime of mine.

Growing up we weren’t fortunate to have lots of family vacations or trips. But we did our best to keep ourselves occupied in our day to day. We did have certain things to look forward to during the summer, one being holiday barbecues at my aunt’s house. They lived next door to a school and helped maintain the grounds which gave us access to the playground equipment and space.

The Fourth of July holiday was an occasion we all cherished. For us kids it meant playing outside all day doing different activities and sports. For the adults it was a chance for them to kick back and spend time with loved ones they didn’t see all the time.

The holiday also meant my grandmother would make her famous rice krispie treats which we loved and only ever had on the Fourth. She didn’t really make them other times of the year, but this allowed us to appreciate them even more as one of the holiday traditions. It might sound silly but it’s one of the memories I still hold tightly to when I think of her.

Watching the fireworks at night was like the icing on the cake. All we had to do was just sit out front of my aunt’s house and watch them with awe. Everyone sat together in silence watching the sky light up. As kids we thought that nothing else could be more exciting.

Looking back these were things we took advantage of as kids—a simpler time when we just ran free and weren’t aware of all the memories we were making. As an adult I truly miss these times and try to think of them when I’m missing family I’ve lost. When the memories come back the summer season still seems to hold some enchantment, if anything at least in my mind.

Image result for fireworks

Have a safe and fun Fourth of July!

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