A Hopeful 2021

When the countdown to New Year was upon us and the clock finally struck midnight on January 1st, I felt hopeful and optimistic about the new year ahead. Seriously, after a year like 2020 you could do nothing but believe that 2021 must be better, right? Well, we can certainly hope so!

We haven’t rid ourselves of the pandemic, but with the distribution and development of several vaccines hopefully this will help protect millions of people around the world. With continued science and medical developments, this helps me to hold hope that there will come a time when we can embrace our loved ones again. And that we will be able to gather in person to celebrate special moments and happy occasions. Staying connected in any form now is crucial, and hopefully 2021 gives us more opportunities of quality time spent together.

A new year brings with it the chance of a fresh start and new beginnings. While the past year was tumultuous and unpredictable, we can make a wish for this different year to be exactly that, different. There is nothing wrong with holding out hope for better times ahead and keeping positive thoughts at the forefront. Unfortunately, there’s a lot we can’t control in the day to day, but we can choose to believe in certain things, and believing in a better year ahead is no exception. We deserve to be optimistic and confident that this year will roll out differently. All we can do is hope for the best.

Stay safe and well and make a hopeful wish for this new year.

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