Greetings from the Midwest!

I’ve hosted many educational programs over the years, where I have had the opportunity to meet many wonderful people, who have enriched my life.

In these meetings, a common theme has emerged – Attitude. Presenters often speak to the importance of a positive attitude. It can have a profound impact on how we feel and handle the challenges we face each day.

One thing I hear often in the field is how frequently our clients take on a variety of challenges with a positive outlook.

One person who stands out is Dan, an MSAA client, that I met at a program. He shared his own story of overcoming obstacles with gusto and motivation. There are many individuals like Dan who come to our programs and share their struggles, as well as, their triumphs. These interactions are what make my work in the field so inspiring.

What a week in the Midwest! There were several programs held June 17-22 where clients had the pleasure to listen to prominent MS medical professionals in Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Each presented his approach for managing MS symptoms and improving quality of life. MS clients, family, friends, and caregivers were inspired. All attending learned much about the importance of nutrition, exercise, and appropriate medications. Many practical tips were discussed.

At one event in Wisconsin, I had the pleasure to meet Cheryl Vanderloop, MSAA’s Artist of the Month for June. She attended a program and introduced herself to me. She is very inspiring. At the end of the program, I surprised her by opening up our website via a wi-fi connection, where I displayed her work and introduced her to the many in attendance. She received a resounding round of applause. Her smile was infectious.

I urge all of you to attend our educational events. They’re fair, balanced, and lots of fun. Please check out MSAA’s Calendar of Events for a program near you. Also, if you have an idea for program topics please leave a comment below!
I look forward to seeing you during my travels throughout the great Midwest!

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  • David says:

    Have you ever heard of a federal disability card?

    It would make things easier for me if I had something handy to show people that I was disabled.

    • mweisser says:

      Thank you for your question. We are not familiar with a card offered by the Federal government which shows proof of disability; however, the Rocky Mountain MS Center does have an MS ID Card. You can learn how to obtain a card at the following link: Additionally, some people find it beneficial to wear a medical id bracelet.

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