It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint.

At the start of the New Year, many people have set new goals and they are committed to completing those resolutions throughout the year. But here’s the thing – it’s very common for people to lose that motivation by the time February rolls around. Why is that? Well, many people set goals that are too broad, too complicated or simply outside of their comfort zone.

So, what can you do to stay on track with your goals? There are several ways to motivate yourself and keep yourself going month after month.

Think Small – A major reason for our lack of motivation is simply because our goals are too big; we feel overwhelmed and give up. The key to staying motivated is to approach your goal in a realistic way. Break down your goal into smaller strides and you’ll be surprised how much progress you make! Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint.

Track your Progress – Visually seeing your goals in front of you and tracking your milestones can help motivate you immensely, even on the laziest days. Nowadays, there are so many apps on our phones that keep tabs on daily tasks, or have automated reminders but tracking your progress doesn’t have to be fancy and high-tech. A simple pencil and paper does the trick! Set up milestones at 30, 60 and 90 days to stay motivated. Depending on your goal, write down daily reminders or weekly tasks to keep you on track to hitting those milestones.

Think about Why – Go back to why you started. Ask yourself why are you doing this goal? What is the purpose? This will help to re-focus your mindset and provide clarity and motivation.

Accountability – Shout your goals from the rooftops to your closest friends!  Friends will help you stay on task. Set up times to update them on your progress or be ready whenever they ask how your goal is going.  If you are feeling unmotivated, reach out to your friend and have them push you to your next milestone. Friends are a great way to hold each other accountable on their resolutions.

Reward Yourself – Reaching your goals, even the smallest ones, is a WIN!  It’s important to recognize your progress and reward yourself for your dedication and hard work.

Everyone stays motivated and reaches their goals in different ways. But staying realistic and defining your goals will help you execute an actionable plan and meet those resolutions.

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