It’s beginning to look a lot like fall….


Cooler temps forecast across parts of the country this week remind us that the fall season is approaching. Cooler nights, falling leaves and seasonal colors like orange and yellow are some of the trademarks of this festive time of year. Though some areas are still consumed by warm temperatures and strong sun rays, it is the time of year where the seasons start to evolve.

For those affected by the heat, fall is a welcomed time of the year that brings with it opportunities to enjoy the outdoors in a more comfortable manner. Sports activities, ball games, gardening and festive fall events are some ways to embrace the season’s change by spending time outside, and to perhaps ‘escape’ from hibernating methods used during the summer months when the unbearable heat was avoided.

Some look at the season change as a way to start new ventures, set new goals, or make plans for the rest of the year. New beginnings can create feelings of excitement and hope as new memories are made and added to those past. Though change can be difficult at times, it’s how you embrace it and make it work for you that matters. How the journey is spent experiencing something new is as important as the destination.

What are you looking forward to this fall?

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  • Cheryl says:

    You have helped so many. Offering items to keep us cool. I have a problem. It’s the cold that makes my body and legs stiffen like they are free in stiffness. Do you offer any helo/relief for the cold that makes me ache? Not so many MS ppl have this problem. It’s the heat that drags them down. For me under 50degrees I hurt from the cold. Is there anything that can help me get out of my house and walk my dog that works for staying warm. Sincerely. Cheryl stuck with coldness O can not control

    • Angel says:

      Thank you for reaching out with your question. For the symptom issues being experienced with the cold, we would recommend consulting with your physician to inquire of any symptom management techniques that could be used to address this challenge. They may have further guidance or suggestions as to how to cope with colder temperatures. If you have additional questions you can contact the MSAA Helpline at (800) 532-7667, x 154 or by email at

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