“Spring” into Action!

It’s time to wake up from winter hibernation! If you’re anything like me in the cold months, you like to curl up in a blanket with hot drinks (coffee please!), watch movies, and take it easy. But now that warmer and sunnier days are here, it’s time to ditch our cocoon and “spring” into action! Transitioning from winter to spring has a positive effect mentally, physically, and emotionally. The warmer spring weather allows us to get back outside into nature. Our skin uses the sunlight to produce more vitamin D which has vital functions for good health and mental well-being. Here are a few enjoyable ways to enjoy the spring season and get outside:

Planting Season

“April showers, bring may Flowers” is music to a gardener’s ears! Whether you’re harvesting veggies, or you just like a few flowers in your garden, spring is the season for getting your hands dirty.

Play Ball!

A new season means a new set of sports! Whether it’s your kids gearing up for lacrosse, or getting excited for Opening Day, spring is a great time to sit back, relax, and watch a sports game. Or even hit the golf course or tennis court!


Picture it… you may be walking along a trail lined with blossoming trees and flowers, with a warm breeze in your face. What better way to spend a spring day other than hiking?! Hiking doesn’t just have to be in a State Park; you can walk in your local park, beach, or even your own neighborhood! As an alternative, an individual with mobility issues can enjoy watching a movie with scenic views while listening to the sounds of a babbling river on a phone app.


Grab a few snacks and a blanket and you’re good to go! Having a picnic on a beautiful day is a simple, yet great way to enjoy a beautiful spring afternoon. You don’t have to travel far either, toss a blanket in your backyard and boom! You have yourself a picnic.

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