The Neuropsychological Evaluation: Allaying Your Fears and Recognizing its Value for the MS Community Part I

By Dr. Lauren Strober

Many individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS) will begin to notice the subtle cognitive changes typically associated with MS.  Individuals may report being more forgetful, unable to multitask as well as they used to, or feeling as if their thinking is slowed down.  Some may say, “I feel as if I am just not functioning on all four cylinders.”  They would be right. In fact, anywhere from 43% to 70% of individuals with MS suffer from some degree of cognitive dysfunction.  Most often, it is slowed thinking or problems with memory that are most noticeable and known to have the greatest effect on day-to-day functioning – this can be anything from preparing a meal for the family, doing everyday tasks, or even successfully doing one’s work.

When cognitive symptoms begin to interfere with such tasks and one’s overall quality of life, it is best to consider speaking to your neurologist about undergoing a neuropsychological evaluation.  A comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation consists of a battery of cognitive tests assessing language, attention, verbal and visual memory, processing speed/working memory, and executive functions (e.g., planning, organization, reasoning) as well as a full psychological evaluation assessing things like mood, anxiety, sleep, and fatigue.  These latter factors are known to also play a large role in cognition and are, fortunately, reversible with effective treatment.  For instance, while slowed thinking is common in MS, consistent poor sleep or depression can also lead to cognitive disturbances during the day and further compound existing cognitive disturbances. Thus, proper identification of one’s current cognitive abilities as well as factors that can affect cognition (such as poor sleep) is the first step in taking appropriate steps in managing any cognitive changes associated with MS.

So, when is a neuropsychological evaluation right for you? Again, if you are noticing changes and feeling that they are beginning to impact your daily functioning and quality of life, you should consider having a neuropsychological evaluation.  This is particularly important if you are employed and/or are a student and can benefit from some recommendations and strategies as to how best maintain your job or schooling, while working to your strengths and minimizing reliance on your weaknesses. Formal documentation of such cognitive difficulties can also assist with obtaining appropriate accommodations at work or school.  Finally, some recommend completing a brief neuropsychological battery such as the Minimal Assessment of Cognitive Functioning in Multiple Sclerosis (MACFIMS) at the onset of one’s illness so that there is a baseline to which patients can better monitor the progression of their illness and cognitive changes associated with such.

If you think neuropsychological testing might be helpful for you, stay tuned for PART II on Wednesday to learn more.

Dr. Lauren Strober is a board-eligible clinical neuropsychologist with over a decade of clinical and research experience in MS.  She is a Research Scientist at the Kessler Foundation and presently holds a National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant examining the factors most associated with employment status in MS.


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  • Deborah Dalton says:

    Dear MSAA Staff and Coordinators,
    Thank you for all the very helpful information that you spread nation wide to get to all people every where.
    I am a fifty one year old female that was only diagnosed January of 2012 with primary progressive MS. I was at the end of my online two year degree so I did not take the time to learn what was happening to my body, mind, and soul.
    I completed my degree in Human Services with a GPA of 3.7, in May of 2012. Unfortunately, I had to file for disability, instead of working in the field, I am now a client to.
    I do have a question. I only wanted to share some of my back ground and give the person that will answer that question some of my back ground.
    I am starting to see some of the cognitive issues that have been mentioned in this article. I have been doing the lumosity games for brain performance index (BPI). Lately, I have been doing less than average compared to even a month ago.
    My question is: Is there something you could suggest that does not include taking more medication? Should I talk to my doctor or just relax and not make this a fatigue issue which most of us MS people do?
    I know that knowledge about this disease is power to fight back. If you could get back with me I sincerely appreciate your reply. Warm Regards, Deborah Dalton

    • MSAA says:


      Thank you for your comments. Noticing cognition changes can be scary and overwhelming. Please consider talking over your situation with your physician to try and develop a plan that works best for you. If you would like to discuss this matter further I would encourage you to call the MSAA Helpline at (800) 532-7667 x 154. We wish you the best of luck.

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