MSAA Publishes New Booklet About MS Progression


We here at MSAA are pleased to announce another new publication, Understanding Progression in MS. This valuable resource is designed to help people with MS and their loved ones better understand what is happening when progression in MS occurs and provides a number of treatment options – from the newest approved disease-modifying therapy to symptom management and wellness strategies.

Understanding Progression in MS includes:

  • An overview of the background information and details of the types of MS
  • An overview of how progression in MS is thought to develop and how it is evaluated
  • Current treatment options, noting specifically how treating inflammation differs from treating progression
  • Detailed information on several prominent symptoms and symptom management
  • Strategies for healthy living with progressive MS

Check out this latest publication and view or order your copy today!


Funding for Understanding Progression in MS was made possible by Sanofi Genzyme.

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