MS Relapse and Symptom Management Resources

During this final week of MS Awareness Month, MSAA has been focusing on the often overlooked issue of relapse management. MS relapses (or exacerbations) are initially experienced by most people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. During a relapse, individuals have a temporary worsening or recurrence of existing symptoms or the appearance of new symptoms ranging from a few days in duration to a few months

MSAA’s MS Relapse Resource Center was developed to help you learn, engage, and gain a better understanding of MS relapses. Visit the MS Relapse Resource Center to learn more about relapses, watch a video or webinar, download our relapse brochure, and browse all of the tools available on this comprehensive section of our website. You can also take the new MS Relapse Awareness quiz to test your knowledge!

And if you’re looking for more tools to help better manage your MS and symptoms, check out the features of the My MS Manager app in the video below. To learn more about the app and to download it for free to your mobile phone or tablet, visit

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