Vacation Options for People with MS

An accessible campsite with wheelchair friendly accommodations - MS friendly vacations.

Heat will do it. Being unable to get around easily will do it. For so many people living with Multiple Sclerosis, there are many reasons to think twice about going on vacation. It can seem like too much work for not enough payoff.

But everyone deserves a vacation.

To find out how the Multiple Sclerosis community is finding ways to vacation that truly work, we reached out on the Facebook page. The question we posed to the group is: “Are there any vacation spots that you would recommend as being ‘MS-friendly?’”

Almost 50 of you commented, sharing Continue reading

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Bon Voyage

By Lauren Kovacs

Most of us with MS see travel as a visit to an energy sucking monster.  At least, it is a trip I avoid. Ok, fine, my voyages include a trip to my couch most days. If I am adventurous, I might go to a drive-thru and get ice coffee.

There are handicapped-type plans you can make. When booking a hotel stay, ask for a handicapped accessible room. They generally have more room in the bathrooms and have shower grab bars. Grab bars in the shower are a must. I also found a travel shower chair. Continue reading

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