Challenging Memories

Often a memory is sparked by some sort of trigger which could manifest itself as many things, a smell, a touch, or hearing a particular sound. For many, music can be a hallmarkTime For Reflection Message Means Ponder Or Reflect of specific times in their life so when listening to the radio and some random song from your past comes on you may be taken back to your living room and remember dancing and laughing with your girlfriends in the 6th grade.

Most of these memories are benign and may start you reminiscing; however, sometimes music can also evoke memories of more challenging times in your life, especially around moments of great grief or loss.

This morning, I heard one of these songs on the radio and it sparked a train of memories about a time in my life in which I experienced a significant loss. No matter how many times I hear that song it will always bring back a flood of memories.  While I can’t stop the association my response to that song is now different than it may have been 20 years ago. As people change and evolve over time so do our emotions and our personal reflections on memories even of very difficult and challenging times in our lives.

Everyone has not one song, but many; however, there may always be one that stands alone as “the song” or “the trigger” for some difficult event.  Sometimes reflection over growth and change over time can be beneficial. Over time we may find different truths in our memories, and maybe there is something positive which may be found amongst the pain. This morning when I heard “that song” I smiled instead of cried, and maybe it was a little bit of a sad smile, but that is o.k.

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