Falling Back in Love with LifeĀ 

By Emily Gordon 

I remember the day like it was yesterday. September 24, 2012. I remember the smell of the room. I remember what the ring of the phone sounded like when I got the call in the MRI waiting room. I was 22 years old. I had just graduated from college. I was working at an NBC affiliate news station, living out my dream of being a sports reporter. It was all happening for me, or so I thought.  

It turns out that a lot was happening in my brain and spine as well. It was a crisp fall day, and my favorite day of the week: Football Friday! I had been assigned to cover three high school football games that night. It was my very first game of the season. I was confident in my scripts; live camera hit and tag out. The live camera hit came and I looked up at the scoreboard to recite the score, then turned back to the camera and forgot what I had just looked at, a second ago. Luckily, I recovered from that fumble (ha) and recovered fine throughout the rest of the night. However, that slight hiccup had my mind racing. Why did that happen? Is this normal? Am I sick? The intrusive thoughts would not stop coming.  

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Acceptance is a Myth

Accepting multiple sclerosisBy Doug Ankerman

Wearing the sash as one newly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis is an overwhelming experience.

Mind spins. Heart races. Limbs tremble (that being the MS part).

Diagnosis may bring closure to some questions. But now new challenges arise. Continue reading

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