Christmas Dump Cake: A Stress-Free Dessert

The holidays can be a stressful time of year for anyone, but for those living with MS, it can be even more stressful. Things that may seem like a simple and even fun task, like baking, may be a daunting and time-consuming one for us with MS. When you’re dealing with a chronic illness, you must learn to take it easy on yourself. Give yourself some grace, even during the holiday season.

I’ve made some changes in my life to lessen my holiday anxiety and lighten the load a bit. For example, not putting so much pressure on myself to make dozens of homemade cookies or desserts. I use easy recipes that do not involve a lot, like this one I share with you below. It is one of my favorites and a crowd pleaser to boot! Spoiler alert: no one is going to care, or even know you made a boxed cake, I promise. 😉

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