Shaping the MS Experience: Unique MS Journeys

When managing one’s MS, there can be many factors and elements involved in the process. All such journeys are different, and each person’s experience with MS is very unique. This makes it difficult at times to compare and help navigate its course and impacts. Its unpredictable nature can cause challenges in finding ways to help manage symptoms and disease changes. But there are so many different types of support, treatments, and strategies in place nowadays. Experiences can be shaped and influenced greatly.


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A Grandmother’s Love

When my sister and I were little we used to wish for a different grandmother. I know that sounds terrible! But we were young, we didn’t know any better, and we thought our grandmother was the meanest woman alive at times! LOL.

Looking back at that now I can laugh because that was ridiculous. Yes, my grandmother was tough and strict sometimes, but whose isn’t? She really did mean well and just wanted us to be safe and well taken care of. Being a kid if you heard “no” then that adult was just plain mean, and your opinion gets tainted. But as we grew older Continue reading

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