Add A Little Humor

Throughout life there are moments that call for certain emotions and behaviors as a way to react and cope with things. There are times that call for seriousness and focus, sadness, or frustration. But there are also times that call for humor and lightheartedness. These elements can help keep you going sometimes, especially through challenging periods. Seeking out humor is a task everyone should try daily.

Some of us are fortunate to have naturally funny and humorous characters as part of our day to day lives. My husband is one of these people and can make me laugh-especially in times where I don’t want to be amused, haha. He has a knack for it, a talent that comes so easy to find humor in almost any situation. I’m grateful for the humor he adds to my life each day, even when it’s not wanted. He knows in those moments where I become too serious or overly stressed, I can probably use a good laugh to break through nerves and tensions. And he’s usually right.

I know we can’t have humor and laughter 24/7, but I think it’s important to make room for it whenever possible. There are too many obstacles, traumas and tragedies that plague the world. Be it illness, loss, or some other type of devastation—we don’t know what the next moment will bring. But amidst this we can find light, hope, and humor to manage our feelings about what we can’t control. If humor can be a way to help cope with the unimaginable, then bring on the laughs. Because at the end of the day if we can control our reactions and emotions, why not add humor into the mix.

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Finding Holiday Spirit

I don’t think anyone would argue the fact that 2017 has been a pretty difficult year, to say the least. National tragedies, devastating natural disasters, political and social mayhem, and endless controversy have plagued the year and we’re not yet at its end. So it’s completely understandable if you ask yourself the question, how do I get into the holiday spirit surrounded by this mayhem? Where does one find the incentive “to be jolly” in a season that’s bookended by discord on one side, and potential hope and mystery on the other that comes with the arrival of the New Year? The answer to this can actually be found in those who surround you and the spirit that others project this time of year, you only need look for the light that cuts through the darkness.

If you want to find holiday spirit, look to children this time of year, as they carry so much light and happiness and excitement for what the holiday will bring, that it’s hard not to share in this joy with them. If religion is something of interest or that you already practice, hope can oftentimes be found through faith, especially during this season. Sometimes people just want to believe in something that’s greater than them and elicits peace. Seeing how people volunteer and donate to various causes year round but especially at the holidays also spurs feelings of joy and creates that sought after holiday spirit. It’s not always easy – life can be messy and chaotic and awful at times, but it’s looking and searching for those small signs of hope and peace that keep people moving forward and keeps holiday spirit alive. Without darkness we wouldn’t know light and how powerful it can be, so be sure to embrace it when it shines through, and let your spirit be bright.

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