To the most influential people in my life

By Penelope Conway

Influential people in my life by Penelope Conway MS Conversations blogLife is a constant flow of people who come in and out of our lives. I have lost and gained many meaningful people over the years. Multiple sclerosis seems to have helped me in the weeding out process. It did that quicker than anything else I have ever faced. I’m not sure if it’s because of my constant unpredictable days or my need for help just to handle the simplest of things in life, but to the ones who have chosen to stick around, I’m forever grateful.

You are the ones Continue reading

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Influence: the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself

Leadership is Influence…John Maxwell (and probably a few dozen other people) said that. Influence is one of those things that can be both intentional and also completely unintentional. If you are ruling a kingdom or holding a seat in office, you know that your leadership and status can exact influence over others. But there are also those leaders who influence quietly or in less obvious ways to the majority of society. Leaders (and also some followers who haphazardly become leaders) who, though not loud or boisterous, flashy or well-bred, find themselves in a place of influence Continue reading

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Most Influential Who?

By Lauren Kovacs

I have been fortunate to have several influential people through my MS journey. I reflect on them based on the struggle of the moment. Every moment with MS changes. Thus, influence changes.

I look to my mom who was a military wife for years. She carted four small kids all over to globe to meet my dad at his new duty station. I reflect on her when I combat new MS monsters. Fear of the unknown is not going to get me.

I look to a gymnastics coach I once Continue reading

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