With great power comes great responsibility…

By Scott Cremeans

I slept horribly the other night and decided to sleep in because a tired brain is a dysfunctional brain. I had nothing planned that next day to wake up early for and realized that this would be a great day to be lazy. I am not sure what caused my unrest though I lay all night with busy mind syndrome. Sadly the chaos that was to ensue would not allow the extra slumber that I so wanted. This terrible technological turmoil would not allow the excess rest to calm my brain that I desperately desired. Continue reading

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So we’ve again encountered the infamous month of January, a time well known for resolutions and changes that people promise and strive to achieve to mark the beginning of a new year. Individuals find themselves embarking on new exercise regimens, dietary guidelines and lifestyle changes that they hope to keep for the duration of the year. With these changes comes a responsibility of self-awareness; to know and understand one’s limitations and to remain accountable for self-care. It is difficult at times to try and keep track of your activities and the goals you set for yourself. Perhaps for this new year you can keep track of these things in a notebook or journal to help stay in tune with the plans you made for yourself for the upcoming year…

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