The AC Staycation

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I’m a single mom of two young boys (5 & 6) and we live in St. Augustine, FL. It’s hot here. Really hot. Typically, May through October are well into the 90s, and bouncing from one airconditioned space to another is essential even for my non-MSers brethren. To be fair, I like to escape north to the Blue Ridge Mountains when I can, but that only happens once or twice a summer, so I’ve had to get creative on how to spend all of that indoor time. I’m not great at generalizing how I think you should fill your time, so I’ve decided to list out a few things I’ve found to be highly enjoyable as an artsy nerd mom.

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Lisa Doggett – August 2024 Artist of the Month

MSAA features the work of many talented artists affected by multiple sclerosis as part of our annual MSAA Art Showcase. Each month we share these artists’ inspiring stories and beautiful artwork with you as our Artist of the Month. This month, we celebrate Lisa Doggett as August’s Artist of the Month. Lisa is from Austin, TX.

“Underwater World”

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