We Can All Use a Good Chuckle Now and Again

I think we can all agree that life has been especially heavy lately. The world turned upside down last year with the pandemic and we are still living with uncertainty and concerns daily. Stress levels have soared, and this can have lasting negative effects on one’s health. So how can we help manage our stress? There are many ways, but a fun one is through laughter.

Having a good chuckle is good for the body and the soul. You wouldn’t necessarily think that laughter could have real, significant health benefits, but it can! Especially for managing stress. Laughter helps to stimulate organs, reduce stress hormones, and relieve pain. It helps boost mood and soothe tension in the body and helps combat depression and anxiety. It’s fun to do and even something you can fake at first until it comes more naturally. There are many benefits to laughter and its skills are plentiful.

It’s important to look for humor in life wherever you can find it. Life is stressful and chaotic and finding ways to lessen the heaviness of it is key. There are many outlets to find laughter in everyday life. And making this a goal can help to reduce stress, without putting in a lot of effort. Laughing with friends and family, at media, and even at yourself can bring instant change to your attitude and demeanor. Things can get so serious a lot of the time. Finding ways to laugh and humorize situations can be just what is needed to lighten the load at times.

After reading more about laughter and its wellness benefits, I see even more truth to the phrase ‘laughter is the best medicine.’ The expression of laughter not only increases happiness and elevates mood, but it also helps connects us to others and stimulates positive thoughts and feelings. So let out a chuckle…it can do a world of good.  

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MS Mood Swings


You can only blame lack of sleep for so much before you start asking “Why is my mood so inconsistent!”  Turns out, it’s not just fatigue – it’s actually a common symptom of MS! As with many invisible symptoms that can occur with MS, mood swings can have a profound effect on relationships and emotional health as a whole.

Our phenomenal contributor, Devin, described this frustrating symptom perfectly in his recent article “Invisible Symptoms of MS: Mood Swings” and the community rallied behind him sharing their own stories and support.

It became clear that this is not uncommon, and while difficult to manage, having the support of other people with MS can make all the difference. Here are just some of the comments our community members shared:

Sometimes, even I can’t figure out why I’m upset

  • I never thought my mood swings could be MS- related. Sometimes I can’t explain to myself why I’m reacting as I am.
  • Since my diagnosis, I cry at every chick flick and even the Budweiser Clydesdale commercials! I can’t seem to get my emotions together sometimes
  • There are times I know I’m picking a fight with my husband about something stupid, but I don’t even know why I’m upset!

I just thought I was crazy!

  • I always thought it was just who I am. An emotional roller coaster with frequent break downs.
  • The problem is most people don’t know about this symptom, so I get more depressed because I feel like people think I’m losing your mind.
  • I always know when my meds aren’t working because I start to feel like I’m going crazy – then I have a lot of people to apologize to
  • I just thought I had gone crazy: I didn’t think it could be a MS symptom. It puts my mind at ease to know I’m not alone.
  • I thought I was just a raving lunatic!

Knowing why is one thing; managing these swings is another!

  • It feels normal in the moment; not until after that I look back and realize just how moody I was being. I know it’s the MS, but I don’t know how to control it
  • I definitely get moody, but what can you do? I just live with it and try to stay strong! Laughter is key.
  • I can feel it coming on – as soon as I start to feel practically homicidal I isolate myself in my room and wait it out.
  • Knowing my MS was the cause of my mood swings was a relief, but finding ways to conquer them is the next challenge.

How about you? Have mood swings impacted your life? Have you found any good approaches for managing these? Feel free to share with the community – you are not alone!

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Life with MS: My 5 Ways to Stay Happy, Lollipops and All

By: Jeri Burtchell

Let’s face it, even days that start out all “sunshine and lollipops” sometimes wind up with you getting sunburned and the lollipop stuck in your hair. You can’t prepare for the negative things that happen in life and those with MS know what I mean when I say we have our fair share of them.

Whether it’s awakening to an unruly new symptom, or spilling all your medicine on the floor when the top finally gives, you know what I’m talking about. Some days it seems like Murphy’s is the law of the kingdom.

jeri blogBut what can you do? Well if you sense an impending bad mood brought on by circumstances beyond your control, I say put yourself in time out…on the beach…in a hammock. And don’t come back until your attitude is better. If that were possible we’d all be heading for the white sands and drinks with umbrellas.

Okay so that advice was just wishful thinking and not exactly helpful, so I’ll make it up to you before I ruin your day and risk your wrath. Here are five sure-fire ways to happy-up your day.*

  1. Laugh at it. When circumstances threaten to punch a hole in your life raft, hang on. Take a step back (provided it was a symbolic life raft we’re talking about) and look at the big picture. Surely there has to be something funny about this that you’re really going to laugh at later. Granted sometimes it’s years later, but you’ll laugh. Try to recognize it now.
  2. Take a nap. Seriously. Sometimes it seems like everything is going wrong, and maybe it is. But it could just be that fatigue has made life temporarily insurmountable. Just rest a while and sleep on it. Most of the time, for me anyhow, I will awaken feeling like I’ve got a fresh start (and even thinking it’s morning again when it’s actually 3 in the afternoon).
  3. Hug a pet. Unless it was your awkward doberman who knocked the pill bottle out of your hands to begin with, our pets have a way of making it all better. A furry snuggle can drain the negativity and stress from your body and has even been proven to lower blood pressure.
  4. Get back to nature. No pets to hug? Next time you trip over a laundry pile or discover the leftovers were out all night, try finding a quiet spot outside to commune with nature and reflect on something that redirects your mind and brings you happiness. A little sunshine (with proper sunscreen) does wonders for elevating your mood. And bird songs don’t hurt either.
  5. Phone a friend. Make sure you have that one go-to friend on speed dial. Someone whose voice brings you joy even if they’re reciting the alphabet. You know the person. But DON’T talk about your problems–that’s not the point! Distract yourself by asking them how things are going. Then really listen. By focusing outward you stop dwelling on your own negatives and before long you will be happy again.

You probably think much of this is silly nonsense, but just trust me. Give it a try. Life’s too short to stay down in the dumps and you really do have the power to create your own positivity. We might not be able to choose what life throws at us, but we don’t have to keep going around with lollipops stuck in our hair either.

*Your mileage may vary. Batteries not included. Some assembly required. 🙂

*Jeri Burtchell was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1999. She has spoken from a patient perspective at conferences around the country, addressing social media and the role it plays in designing clinical trials. Jeri is a MS blogger, patient activist, and freelance writer for the MS News Beat of Healthline.com. She lives in northeast Florida with her youngest son and elderly mother. When not writing or speaking, she enjoys crafting and photography.

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Feeling SAD: Seasonal Affective Disorder

rsz_young_woman_cryingIt is commonly known that MS can impact mood and can cause an increased risk for developing depression and anxiety which MSAA detailed in the Winter/Spring 2014 issue of The Motivator. However, you may be unfamiliar with another condition – Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) – which may be something to pay attention to as the seasons change.

SAD is a type of depression which is hallmarked by its “seasonality” generally beginning in the fall and lasting through the winter months. SAD typically tends to creep up as the daylight hours get shorter and the weather gets cooler and the impacts on mood may become more severe as the season goes on.  Like other forms of depression, individuals who experience SAD may experience low energy (fatigue), may lose enjoyment in activities they once enjoyed, may experience changes in eating or sleeping habits, may have persistent sad or depressed thoughts, and may even think of engaging in self-harm. As with other forms of depression, individuals with SAD may benefit from the use of medications and/or talk therapy to help address this issue. One major difference with teasing out SAD from other forms of depression is that individuals with SAD may also benefit from using “phototherapy” or specialized light therapy; a person may even be assigned a specific amount time in their day to sit under the specialized light or lamp to help improve their symptoms.

If you have noticed that the fall and winter seasons tend to impact your mood, or if you have noticed a lower overall mood, please discuss the issue with your treating physician…sometimes just shedding some “light” on a situation can make a world of difference.

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