MSAA’s Artist of the Month for April 2013

We have received many wonderful submissions from across the country and are delighted to share their work and their stories with you. Please visit our online gallery to view all of the submissions.

April 2013 Artist of the Month:  Susan C. Russo – Pearland, TX


artist april 2013






“I have been interested in art since I was a child. I love the creative process. I just close my eyes and let my thoughts come to life. I feel that my work is an expression of God’s love and His gift to me. It would be a great injustice not to share the talent He has given me.

Additionally, art is a beautiful expression of not letting my MS gets the best of me. On days when I don’t feel all that well, I just pick up a brush or pastel and express my feelings in my paintings and drawings…”
Read more from Susan…

Be inspired – please send an online card featuring artwork by MS artist Susan C. Russo and spread awareness of MS and MSAA.

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Anna’s Adventures at SXSW, Part 2

Hello to my friends at MSAA from South-By-Southwest (SXSW)! This is the second installment of Anna’s Adventures! If you missed part one, you can read it here. Now onto part two….

SXSW is over, another mission accomplished in the Wild, Wild, Southwest. From sweaty dust storms at the FADER Fort to getting lost on the back roads of Willie Nelson’s ranch at 2 AM, there are many more stories to tell. Late-night taco truck dining accompanied by a crescent-moon-lit impromptu band showcase on the side of the road and a four-encore small-bar Prince concert at La Zona Rosa in Austin’s downtown. I’ll say it again this year like I did last, SXSW is not real-life. A year’s worth of events can happen all in one day, or it at least seems as such. There is no time to sleep, or watch one band’s showcase its entire way through. Forever young we become, on sensory overload.

While the festival is generally grueling – it, for some reason, always seems to be worth it.

One of the main reasons for continuing to come to SXSW – for me – is the Heartbreaker Banquet. This year’s Banquet fell on the most gorgeous, sun-drenched, temperate afternoon, and lasted through the most glowing, sapphire breezy-skied, chandeliers in the trees, evening.  The Heartbreaker Banquet took place at Willie Nelson’s ranch and it proved to be the oasis and breath of fresh-air festival goers needed to continue on back into the rest of the week of SXSW.  The Banquet provided a venue for watching favorite bands and ones that would become new favorites perform inside Willie’s chapel, in his saloon, and out in the wide-open – in front of his World Headquarters. There was nowhere to go, nowhere to run off to, and we were thankful for it.

For me, I had paradise spilling out in front of me everywhere I turned, a photo creating itself everywhere I looked. I didn’t have to work nearly as hard as I’d dreamed of; everyone was at ease. As the sun set over the expanse of the crowd, it was calming and heartwarming to see that our festival had exactly doubled in-size from last year, and so many of my friends were there, performing on our stage. It was a reunion fantastic in-size and in-depth. And, all those who decided to miss it or left early to go watch the Spurs game on TV, really felt like they’d missed something special. They just didn’t know where to find it.

As crazy as the week was, I think about that day and it calms me. What’s the calm without the chaos, what’s the silence without the song, but thinking about it now, I can’t wait to open my eyes and see it all right there in front of me, next year.

Here are a few photos I would like to share

IMG_5847 untitled-4841 untitled-4842 untitled-5107 untitled-5171

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March’s MS Artist of the Month

MSAA is very proud to present our 2013 Art Showcase – celebrating the work of artists affected by MS.

We have received many wonderful submissions from across the country and are delighted to share their work and their stories with you. Please visit our online gallery to view all of the new submissions.

March Artist of the Month:
Susan Bloom – Plainwell, MI

painting by Susan Bloom - Lion of the Tribe of Judah“In 1996, I was completing my bachelor’s degree and in a high stress job when I received a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. At the time, I felt a great despair thinking life as I knew it was over. After coming to terms with my MS, which included going on disability from my job and discontinuing school, I knew I needed a change in my life…”
Read more about Susan Bloom’s story with MS and art

Be inspired – please send an online card featuring artwork by MS artist Susan Bloom and spread awareness of MS and MSAA.

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February’s Artist of the Month

Presenting MSAA’s Artist of the Month for February 2013

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MSAA is very proud to present our Art Showcasecelebrating the work of artists affected by MS.

February Artist of the Month:
Mary E. Hetzel-Tingler – Hixson, TN

 “I was diagnosed with RRMS on Valentine’s Day 2006. I have been an artist nearly my entire life and this was quite a blow to be dealt, to not be able to create again. I started spending time daydreaming about the paintings I would do, and something magical happened. I started to visualize concepts, instead of just copying pictures or sitting outside and painting nature, or doing portraits like I did in the past. Even though I couldn’t paint them, I envisioned and captured the feelings and remembered them.

As I got more function back I did the first painting called ”Pitiful Joy” 2006. It was the first painting I did completely from my head, representing my loss of vision and speech, yet a mind alight with music, sculpture and art.”

Be inspired – please send an online card featuring artwork by MS artist Mary E. Hetzel-Tingler and spread awareness of MS and MSAA.


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MSAA’s Artist of the Month for December 2012

MSAA is very proud to present our 2012 Art Showcasecelebrating the work of artists affected by MS.

December Artist of the Month:

Angela Bennett – Lexington, KY

 “I take nothing for granted, and I live each day to its fullest potential. I have RRMS but my MS is very aggressive, and I became disabled in 2009. Since becoming disabled, I have grown in ways I never once thought possible. I have become a beacon of light, caring and volunteering for others when I can, and my empathy and compassion is stronger than it’s ever been.

This acrylic painting on canvas, titled ‘Aneia’, represents my souls awakening and expansion to the person that I am today.”

To View the Complete 2012 Art Showcase Online Gallery, please visit

To Send an Artist of the Month Online Card for December 2012, please visit

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MS as a Blessing

What began happening to my life and the way I saw it as a result didn’t surprise me as much as it did inspire me. MS, after all, has helped shape my life and career.

I began looking at everything I did a little bit more carefully. Apart from staying on-track with medication, I began waking up earlier, working out more, going to yoga and swimming, learning new things all the time, reading the news and more books and eating healthier. I went to more museums, parties, social gatherings. I started writing for fun and sometimes getting published. I started taking chances, asking for help, and hearing yes. I was fueled by hope, and by gain, ad hominem, and really didn’t fear losing anything. And that’s how I am right now.

In a way this diagnosis provided the discipline I needed and I know wasn’t getting before. That’s not to say certain things are and won’t be compromised; but as the most important things have come into focus, my happiness has improved suddenly and immeasurably.

The Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA) asked me to be their first national ambassador in the fall of 2011. Standing in the middle of Times Square, I almost dropped the telephone through the subway grating — a million emotions rushed through my mind. I was feeling honored, fortunate, and inspired. But as with all major decisions, there were a few immediate doubts.

I deliberated it with my publicists and I had a meeting with several members of the staff at MSAA, I thought about it even more, and when I said “yes” to them and to MSAA, my story went public. Press releases, articles, Wikipedia page, etc etc.  Would this mean I miss out on opportunities because people are scared of an unfamiliar disease? Weeding out riffraff clients? I never cared an inch whether people judged me for any reason before, so, why start now.

This position gave my photography – doing what I love most – a whole new personal significance. It spun me around full circle; I was honored that such a big-hearted heavyweight in the fight against MS saw something in me to represent their ideals and speak on behalf of their mission, helping them  reach their goals.

Now I have the clarity of my limitations, sharpening and shaping my happiness. Colors have gotten bright again in the space I move around in, and I have comfort in knowing that when I can drop this one little story in with the oceans already full of them, it’s one more person saying something, and one more friend that knows a little bit what it’s like.

As ambiguous a condition as MS is, we can treat it, help it, acknowledge it, move around in our lives, and be who we are.

One of the best lessons I’ve learned is that I can’t control my circumstance, people, or exterior situations. What I can do is control my reactions to them, and live on. MS of course is far from ideal, but it is true that who I am, now, I’m better for it.

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An Introduction

By profession, I am a music portrait photographer running around in such big cities as New York, Los Angles and Austin. By circumstance, I am a 26 year-old who happens to have MS.

That last bit can be a bother, but I like it much better when it isn’t.

Here’s a little bit of the backstory:

In 2009, I was attending Pepperdine University. One day, I ran out of one of my hardest business class finals, and jumped in the car. I had to get downtown to the photography studio to start figuring out how we would engineer this set idea for a really ambitious and rapidly approaching photo shoot. I buckled myself in, turned the radio on and as I shifted my gaze over my left shoulder to pull out of a tight parallel parking spot, I noticed everything double and separate. I rubbed my eyes. The further left I looked, the farther away everything got from each other. I couldn’t tell which the “real” road was and which the “other” road was. I rubbed my eyes again, squeezed them shut and re-opened. There were two pictures of the same world and I could not tell which was mine.

I knew that I was probably not taking care of my body as I should, being a 22 year-old college student (Stress… check; lack of sleep… check; probably not eating enough… check). Off to the ophthalmologist I went for further evaluation. The lens prisms he prescribed to modify my eyeglasses with, only corrected the double vision sometimes. This was not muscular; it was a nerve issue — the plot thickened and we reacted.

A gauntlet of tests ensued that summer: MRIs, EKGs, EEGs, blood work, nerve tests, Spinal tap, antibiotics. I was a healthy 22-year-old, and all of a sudden I was a patient in hospitals, with doctors of every specialty trying to diagnose me.

There were results that pointed to multiple sclerosis (MS), but nothing was conclusive, and some of the results that raised flags were results immediately contingent on other situations that weren’t mine. All other possibilities were diseases too rare, obsolete, or required symptoms I didn’t have and wouldn’t get for whatever reason, so were immediately ruled out. Complicating things further, each symptom that I had on its own were all circumstances perfectly healthy people have all the time.

What happened in my mind after all of this new hospital stuff was full-fledged “western medicine distrust.” I watched chemo ultimately kill my dad four years earlier, and I felt like I knew the hospital/pharmaceutical politics. It seemed doctors were trying to diagnose me with something so hard that they couldn’t pin, that I didn’t believe I had. Hospital bills, drug reactions, spinal tap complications, and anesthesia all followed. I was plugged into the wall, there were needles in my arm, my spine; I was terrified of every result. There’s just something inherently frightening about going this deep into such a thorough search of your complete physical makeup and having to sit back and wait patiently each black-and-white result, over, and over.

The double vision went away on its own after about a week, and I went back to business-as-usual. A second major symptom did not come on until a year later: a numb, tingling sensation from my knees down and in my hands, tips of my fingers. It was then when my doctors agreed; it was time to begin to discuss treatment.

My goals and career to me seemed to all of a sudden be in jeopardy, at the quickly developing and bright-eyed age of 22. The more I began understanding MS and my own new set of circumstances, the more my life slowly began to come into focus.

Thinking back I’m sure there probably were smaller, more seemingly insignificant indicators that could have helped point to the MS sooner, but that’s neither here nor there. What matters is that it’s clear that I have MS, no more tests and questions or unknowns there. Although there is no proven cure, there is a lot that I can do to manage it, which incidentally are all things I should have been conscious of anyway to live a happy and healthy life.

Read on: MS as a Blessing

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MSAA’s Artist of the Month – September 2012

MSAA Art ShowcasePresenting MSAA’s Artist of the Month for September 2012

MSAA is very proud to present our 2012 Art Showcasecelebrating the work of artists affected by MS.

September Artist of the Month:

Sheanean Chorette – Beggs, OK

Mystery Solved by Sheanean Chorette

 I was diagnosed a year ago with MS by doctor number 26. I knew something was wrong and it wasn’t just ‘in my head.’ I am strong and determined. My favorite word is ‘HOPE.’ I am a 42 year old wife and mother of 3. I have one grandson.

My love for art reaches back into my childhood. I was a doodler, always doodling on my papers at school. I am self-taught and have improved over time with practice and patience with myself. I teach an art class to 4th graders once a week at our local elementary. I have a passion for nature and art and often merge the two.”

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Be inspired – please send an online card featuring artwork by MS artist Sheanean Chorette and spread awareness of MS and MSAA.

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Presenting MSAA’s Artist of the Month for August 2012

MSAA is very proud to present our 2012 Art Showcasecelebrating the work of artists affected by MS.

August Artist of the Month:

Margie Kapaczewski – Philadelphia, PA

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House on a Lake by Margie Kapaczewski






 Change in life is inevitable. However, we create time stamps along the way…painting is my time stamp. It is the moment that I become intentionally lost in my thoughts and inspiration. I create my vision and stamp it onto a canvas, a paper, or a piece of material to keep forever.

With MS, memory is a gift…without MS, memory is still a gift. Art is my visual memory where I can reflect on a time with fondness or be triumphant as I was strong enough to make it through.”
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Be inspired – please send an online card featuring artwork by MS artist Margie Kapaczewski and spread awareness of MS and MSAA.


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