I Can Try

By Lauren Kovacs

Mental wellness is often overlooked by MS folks and those around us. I am not saying for others to walk on eggshells, but mindfulness is something we all need to remember. Mental wellness is trying and knowing when to seek assistance.

The saying, “… if you have nothing nice to say…” This goes for negative self-speech too. Try to speak words of affirmation to yourself. Be your own cheerleader. Try at least.

Having been a Continue reading

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Love the Back-to-School Hate

By Lauren Kovacs

I have a love-hate relationship with back to school. Personally, I hate school supply shopping. I direct from my wheelchair, but I still hate it. It is frustrating and energy sucking.

The high schoolers are fairly easy now. They know what they want and some teachers do have their students get particular things. Mostly, it is hands off; however, I still have one that needs a list. He is also on a year round schedule.

Orchestrating the school supply trips can be no fun, when you have Continue reading

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Strategies to Relax: Kick Back with MS

By Lauren Kovacs

That’s funny, relax with MS. Like being drawn and quartered is relaxing. It is possible, I think, to kick back. We often hear about not relaxing and it’s negative effects. Easier said than done. I know.

For me, I relax by trying several things. First, don’t beat yourself up. MS stinks for us all. Just acknowledge that fact. Distraction is a great way to relax.

I admit to putting myself in a “show-hole” frequently. I fall into those Continue reading

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Summer Hostage

By Lauren Kovacs

Let me see, MS has pretty much taken summer hostage for many MSers.  Some things we can in fact re-claim, with modifications.  We have to learn to put our own spin on things.

Plan, plan, plan. You kind of have to go into a situation knowing all your options and the “what if.”  The “Last-minute Lucy” folks won’t like this.  Know your own body.

With three Boy Scouts at home, the moto of “Always Be Prepared” rings true for most MS folks.  Remember the heat is usually not our friend. Summer means heat.  Heat means Continue reading

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Most Influential Who?

By Lauren Kovacs

I have been fortunate to have several influential people through my MS journey. I reflect on them based on the struggle of the moment. Every moment with MS changes. Thus, influence changes.

I look to my mom who was a military wife for years. She carted four small kids all over to globe to meet my dad at his new duty station. I reflect on her when I combat new MS monsters. Fear of the unknown is not going to get me.

I look to a gymnastics coach I once Continue reading

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To be organized or not to be?

By Lauren Kovacs

This is the question.

I used to be super organized. Years ago an older MSer told me that I will learn to conserve energy in my own way. She was right. Being organized can cause energy conservation.

With three sons and a husband, organizing consists of piles. They usually have no idea where something is. When they ask me I say Continue reading

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Who do you surround yourself with?

By Lauren Kovacs

It is tough when dealing with MS. You don’t want to be the burden and the boil on someone’s bum. But, you also don’t want to seem stubborn in not asking for help. The winds of MS are blowing at each other. I get it.

Sadly we have to buffer the winds. Bad hair days from those winds are common. Keeping calm in the wind storm is hard. MS is a strong contender. Being calm can help avoid a flare.

Not easy to please others by asking for help, keeping your Continue reading

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Physical and Mental Wellness

By Lauren Kovacs

Ok fine!

I admit that denial of MS and its friends mental and physical stress is a battle. They go together and share equal importance. One affects the other. I had unknowingly adopted both.

Years of mental struggle and talk-therapy led me to medication eventually. I am not one to rely on pills. I try several options, before I let pills win. Anti-depressants are, for me, a must now.

I take a teeny-tiny dose, but it helps. It gets Continue reading

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Fresh Something

By Lauren Kovacs

We all have that New Year’s resolution bug. For MS folks a fresh start comes every day, really. We learn that even tying our shoes in two tries instead of three is a fresh start.

It can be hard for many to see joy in the simple things. Just getting my hair in a ponytail is worth celebrating, for example. If people would take joy in simple things, maybe Continue reading

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It’s a… Family Tradition

By Lauren Kovacs

Aside from eating lots, being merry, and not worrying about the summer heat, we try and keep some traditions. Napping with a cozy blanket, of course, is a given. As my boys have grown, some Christmas traditions have changed. Some changed for the better, others I miss, and some result in teenage whining.

For a family photo, I have had the boys make Continue reading

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