Cómo afrontar las estaciones del año: Un enfoque personal al cambio

Sentir el aire fresco esta mañana me recordó que el otoño ha llegado. En ocasiones es difícil darme cuenta por qué vivo en un clima muy cálido. ¿Quién elige vivir en un clima de 110 grados? ¿Verdad? Sé que es tiempo de sacar la ropa de invierno de la cochera y disfrutar de las temperaturas más frescas. El clima cambia con las estaciones del año, y nuestro cuerpo y mente también lo hacen. Ya sea que se esté preparando para el calor del verano o el frío del invierno, ajustar su rutina puede ayudar a que la transición sea más fácil.

Es importante conocerse a sí mismo y entender las necesidades de nuestro cuerpo. Reconocer cómo nos impactan las estaciones del año es crucial para crear una rutina que sea manejable. Debo ser honesta: levantarme por la mañana es mucho más difícil para mí durante el invierno. Algo sobre las mañanas más frías y oscuras no me motiva a salir a caminar como suelo hacer en verano. Me he dado cuenta de que necesito dormir más y programar mis caminatas para la tarde. Entender por qué haces lo que haces es la clave. Tómese un momento para reflexionar. ¿Cómo se siente cuando cambian las estaciones del año? ¿Experimenta mayor fatiga durante el invierno? ¿Necesita más cuidado personal durante las vacaciones debido al estrés? ¿O siente más melancolía y necesita apoyo adicional durante los meses más fríos? Dedicar un poco de tiempo a anotar sus síntomas puede ayudarle a averiguar qué ajustes podría necesitar hacer en su rutina o determinar si le beneficiaría buscar ayuda profesional de su equipo de salud o de un profesional de salud mental.

Enfrentar los cambios en las estaciones del año es muy personal. El cambio puede ser difícil y causar estrés, miedo e incluso ansiedad. Mientras que algunas personas se adaptan fácilmente a los cambios en el clima, los cambios de horarios escolares, etc., otras personas pueden tener dificultades para adaptarse, sintiendo que su vida diaria, su salud y su bienestar emocional se ven afectados. Practicar mindfulness, o la atención plena, y el cuidado personal puede ayudarnos a adaptarnos y mantenernos flexibles al cambio. Por ejemplo, está bien tener que presionar el botón de repetición un par de veces en su alarma o decidir quedarse en casa si el clima es desagradable. También puede mantenerse en comunicación con sus seres queridos de distintas maneras, aun cuando el clima no nos favorece. Comparta su experiencia con sus seres queridos; es probable que ellos sientan lo mismo. Mi forma favorita de sobrellevar los meses más fríos es con sopas y guisos calientes llenos de verduras. Una comida caliente y una rutina nocturna relajante son todo lo que necesito para despertar sintiéndome renovada.

Adaptarse a los cambios en las estaciones del año no tiene por qué ser estresante. Al prestar atención a su cuerpo y hacer pequeños ajustes reflexivos, puede navegar los altibajos de las estaciones del año con un poco más de facilidad. Recuerde, se trata de encontrar lo que funciona para usted y mantener su salud como una prioridad a lo largo del año.

¡Cuídese y disfrute de cada estación del año!

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Self-Care on the Wings of a Goldfinch

I’ve already written this blog post once and I’ve decided to scrap it. This is a page one rewrite. My initial post was preemptive. I was writing about something I had yet to experience and now I’m on the other side. Isn’t it funny how much we can project onto something that is yet to be? Better to live in the present, but what a challenge that is for me.

Our topic this month is self-care, and my ultimate self-care starts with a 20-year desire and ends in a goldfinch. On Friday the 13th I got a tattoo of a goldfinch on my forearm. It’s not my first tattoo and probably won’t be my last, but this little guy is the most meaningful to date. The goldfinch is a symbol of finding happiness in challenging times. It is seen as protective, devoted, persistent, and carries good fortune on its wings.  What more could you ask for in a little cheerleader when you’re living with MS? It may seem strange that I consider this new addition to my skin as self-care, but I can’t honestly think of a more direct way to honor and treat myself.

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Selfless Self Care

The significance of self-care is undermined in individuals going through MS. MS can wreak havoc on your life as it leads to physical, behavioral and cognitive changes over time.  Below are some ideas for self-care that will improve your brain and body’s wellbeing while battling this disease:

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Mental Health Action Steps

In today’s busy and overwhelming world of daily tasks, practicing self-care can feel like a luxury reserved for those who have more time. With a number of commitments and responsibilities taking priority, it’s easy for self-care and enhancing one’s mental health to take a backseat. However, what some do not realize is that caring for one’s mental and physical health is essential to maintaining overall well-being and productivity. I asked our AI friend Chat GPT for some advice on how to prioritize mental health whilst having a busy schedule. Here are some action steps that were provided:

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Digital Detox: How to Unplug and Prioritize Your Wellbeing

Is it just me, or does it seem like everything is digital nowadays? Whether I’m scheduling an appointment online, texting a friend, or ordering groceries, it feels like our world has become a virtual reality, with my phone as a constant companion. While technology offers undeniable convenience and benefits, it can negatively impact our emotional and physical well-being. A digital detox—a break from technology—can help us reconnect with our bodies, thoughts, feelings, and loved ones in a more meaningful way.

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Prioritizing Self-Care

September is National Self-Care Awareness Month, a time dedicated to recognizing the importance of taking care of yourself. In a world that’s constantly on the go, it’s easy to overlook our own needs in the rush to meet deadlines, care for others, and manage daily responsibilities. However, self-care is not selfish – it’s essential for maintaining mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Self-care looks different for everyone. For me, my favorite form of self-care is going for a walk while listening to a podcast or audio book. Whether I’m winding down after a long day or just taking a break, the combination of fresh air and engaging content always help me recharge! It’s a simple way to create space for myself and reset my mind.

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Team MSAA and runDisney Participant Highlight: Tiffany McCahill 

Completing a 10k endurance event last year wasn’t enough for Team MSAA participant Tiffany McCahill. She’s doing it again, but this time raising the bar and taking on the half marathon!  

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Romanticizing A Slow Summer

Ah, summer. This time of year tends to have connotations that having exciting plans, going on adventures, and traveling, is essential. Now don’t get me wrong, experiencing the season to its fullest can be fantastic, however, having a memorable summer doesn’t mean that traveling to lavish places or splurging on expensive excursions is necessary. In fact, you don’t need much to create a noteworthy summer. Focusing on the small things of life can really bring about so much joy and peace.  

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Staycation Tips and Tricks: Relax, Explore, and Enjoy Your Own Backyard

Staycations, or vacations spent at home or nearby, can be both enjoyable and cost-effective. While they are often perceived as lacking adventure or being boring, this is far from the truth. Staycations can offer unique experiences full of discovery and exploration. A well-planned staycation can be convenient, creative, and can save both stress and money.

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The AC Staycation

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I’m a single mom of two young boys (5 & 6) and we live in St. Augustine, FL. It’s hot here. Really hot. Typically, May through October are well into the 90s, and bouncing from one airconditioned space to another is essential even for my non-MSers brethren. To be fair, I like to escape north to the Blue Ridge Mountains when I can, but that only happens once or twice a summer, so I’ve had to get creative on how to spend all of that indoor time. I’m not great at generalizing how I think you should fill your time, so I’ve decided to list out a few things I’ve found to be highly enjoyable as an artsy nerd mom.

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