Adam St. George – October 2024 Artist of the Month

MSAA features the work of many talented artists affected by multiple sclerosis as part of our annual MSAA Art Showcase. Each month we share these artists’ inspiring stories and beautiful artwork with you as our Artist of the Month. This month, we celebrate Adam St. George as September’s Artist of the Month. Adam is from Menifee, CA.

“Under the Widow’s Web”

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Hurricane Helene Resources

The devastation from Hurricane Helene has affected millions of people in the Southeast and has resulted in widespread damage. Many people have lost their lives, communities have been destroyed, families have been displaced and essential services have been disrupted. Recovery and restoration from the aftermath of the hurricane is going to take a long time. Considering the recent impact of Hurricane Helene, the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA) has compiled a comprehensive list of resources to assist with emergency preparedness and response.

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Self-Care on the Wings of a Goldfinch

I’ve already written this blog post once and I’ve decided to scrap it. This is a page one rewrite. My initial post was preemptive. I was writing about something I had yet to experience and now I’m on the other side. Isn’t it funny how much we can project onto something that is yet to be? Better to live in the present, but what a challenge that is for me.

Our topic this month is self-care, and my ultimate self-care starts with a 20-year desire and ends in a goldfinch. On Friday the 13th I got a tattoo of a goldfinch on my forearm. It’s not my first tattoo and probably won’t be my last, but this little guy is the most meaningful to date. The goldfinch is a symbol of finding happiness in challenging times. It is seen as protective, devoted, persistent, and carries good fortune on its wings.  What more could you ask for in a little cheerleader when you’re living with MS? It may seem strange that I consider this new addition to my skin as self-care, but I can’t honestly think of a more direct way to honor and treat myself.

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Selfless Self Care

The significance of self-care is undermined in individuals going through MS. MS can wreak havoc on your life as it leads to physical, behavioral and cognitive changes over time.  Below are some ideas for self-care that will improve your brain and body’s wellbeing while battling this disease:

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DIY Self-Care

By Stacie Prada

Self-care: Anything that nourishes me physically or emotionally, reduces stress, or improves my well-being.

Self-care is necessary and often neglected. That said, it only feels neglected when we’re feeling stressed, overloaded, or having a hard time. It’s important to give ourselves credit for all we do to care for ourselves and others every day.  Perspective matters. If we remember how much we’re already doing, it’s easier to show compassion for ourselves.

Self-care by definition means taking an active role in taking care of ourselves, physically and emotionally. It implies it’s solely a Do It Yourself (DIY) responsibility. When feeling overwhelmed or not well, it’s natural to believe the answer is to just try harder. This is when we need to remember we’re like a DIY home project: we can’t and don’t need to do it all on our own.

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Fear of Falling With MS

A concern for many people with multiple sclerosis (MS) is the fear of falling. Loss of balance with this disease makes falling a common problem. But many find that slowing down, walking carefully, and learning to get up safely after a fall can be helpful.1 recently published an article that highlighted some of these trials. Given the reaction it received, it clearly resonated with lots of people! Here are some of the themes that people shared in response to the article. 

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Back to School Peanut Butter Cheerio Bars

Peanut Butter Cheerio Bars are quick and easy to make for all ages! They only take about 10 minutes to prepare.  All you need are three ingredients to make these yummy bars and are perfect to pack for back to school!

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Mental Health Action Steps

In today’s busy and overwhelming world of daily tasks, practicing self-care can feel like a luxury reserved for those who have more time. With a number of commitments and responsibilities taking priority, it’s easy for self-care and enhancing one’s mental health to take a backseat. However, what some do not realize is that caring for one’s mental and physical health is essential to maintaining overall well-being and productivity. I asked our AI friend Chat GPT for some advice on how to prioritize mental health whilst having a busy schedule. Here are some action steps that were provided:

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Desintoxicación digital: Cómo desconectarse y priorizar su bienestar

¿Soy yo, o parece que todo es digital en la actualidad? Ya sea que esté programando una cita en línea, enviando un mensaje de texto a un amigo o realizando compras por medio del internet, siento que nuestro mundo se ha convertido en una realidad virtual, con mi teléfono como compañero constante. Aunque la tecnología ofrece beneficios y comodidad, puede tener un impacto negativo en nuestro bienestar emocional y físico. Una desintoxicación digital— un descanso de la tecnología —puede ayudarnos a reconectar con nuestros cuerpos, pensamientos, sentimientos y seres queridos de una manera más significativa.

La tecnología ha mejorado nuestras vidas facilitando la comunicación y el acceso a servicios. Sin embargo, la dependencia a los dispositivos electrónicos a menudo nos hace perder la noción de lo que es verdaderamente importante. Las distracciones frecuentes y las interacciones superficiales pueden dificultar las conexiones genuinas. Siempre hay un correo electrónico más por revisar, una notificación más por atender y una oferta virtual más por aprovechar.

El mundo digital puede ser agotador. Piense en todos los dispositivos y tecnologías que utilizamos a diario. Mientras los despertadores y las computadoras son esenciales, otra tecnología no es tan crucial como las redes sociales. Esta tecnología puede distraernos de lo que realmente importa, así como el tiempo que dedicamos a nosotros mismos y a nuestros seres queridos. Una desintoxicación digital, ya sea por unas horas o unos días, puede ayudarnos a evitar estas distracciones y restaurar nuestro equilibrio.

Crear una rutina de autocuidado implica encontrar tiempo para la introspección y aprender a escuchar a nuestro cuerpo. Esto es más difícil cuando recibimos notificaciones y mensajes constantemente. Podemos estar disponibles para emergencias mientras programamos períodos de descanso y relajación sin tecnología. Limitar las notificaciones y el tiempo en redes sociales, y participar en actividades como escribir en un diario, leer o meditar antes de dormir, puede mejorar nuestro bienestar. Nuestra paz debe ser una prioridad.

Los cambios pequeños en nuestros hábitos digitales pueden mejorar significativamente nuestra capacidad de reconectar con nosotros mismos y con los demás. Al reducir el tiempo frente a una pantalla y establecer zonas sin tecnología, creamos espacios para conexiones genuinas y actividades que nutren nuestro bienestar. Introducir estos cambios fomenta una vida más equilibrada y refuerza nuestras prácticas de autocuidado, lo que conduce a una mayor satisfacción y conexión.

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Digital Detox: How to Unplug and Prioritize Your Wellbeing

Is it just me, or does it seem like everything is digital nowadays? Whether I’m scheduling an appointment online, texting a friend, or ordering groceries, it feels like our world has become a virtual reality, with my phone as a constant companion. While technology offers undeniable convenience and benefits, it can negatively impact our emotional and physical well-being. A digital detox—a break from technology—can help us reconnect with our bodies, thoughts, feelings, and loved ones in a more meaningful way.

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