Ask the Expert – Spasticity

Featuring Barry A. Hendin, MD 

MSAA’s Chief Medical Officer  

Headshot of doctor Barry Hendin, chief medical officer for MSAA
Barry Hendin, MD

Question: Does spasticity in MS ever improve on its own and what are the best treatments for this symptom? 

Answer: First, it may help to define spasticity in simple terms. Spasticity is an increase in muscle tone due to an imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory influences on nerve flow along the motor pathways of the brain and spinal cord. Symptoms can vary from mild discomfort to severe pain and disability. Activities of daily living, quality of life, upper extremity function, and gait, can all be affected. 

As with all MS symptomatology, spasticity can vary in intensity. It can improve or worsen, depending upon MS relapses, progression, or outside influences – including events, such as urinary tract infections. Fortunately, many interventions can help to reduce spasticity and improve comfort and function. 

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ABC’s Of Holidays

Holidays are so important because they are times when we can take a break from life’s regular hustle and bustle. During these times, we must abandon our usual routines and do something out of the ordinary. It is the best time of the year to indulge in laughter, fun, and delicious treats. Amid all the good things that come with holidays, here are the ABCs of holidays that are reminders for me to value life and not take things for granted.

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Celebrating Success and Seasonal Joy: Reflecting on Achievements Despite the Challenges

Reflecting on our achievements does not come naturally for most of us. The hustle and bustle of the holiday season, work, family, and other responsibilities typically take over. Have you ever felt like you were living on autopilot? I have. Sometimes, I get so caught up in my routine that I lose track of all I have accomplished during the year. It feels like I blinked, and suddenly, it is December, and another year has passed by. This holiday season, I want to reflect on the achievements and joyous moments I had in 2023.

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Celebrando el éxito y la alegría de la temporada: reflexionando sobre los logros a pesar de los desafíos

Para la mayoría de nosotros reflexionar sobre nuestros logros es algo que no hacemos con tanta frecuencia. El ajetreo de la temporada navideña, el trabajo, la familia y otras responsabilidades suelen tomar el control. ¿Alguna vez te has sentido como si estuvieras viviendo de forma automática? Yo sí. A veces, me dejo llevar tanto por mi rutina, que pierdo la noción de todo lo que he logrado durante el año. Se siente como si parpadeara y, de repente, es diciembre y ha pasado otro año. En estas fiestas, quiero reflexionar sobre los logros y los momentos alegres que tuve en el 2023.

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Making the Most Is Not Doing the Most

The holidays can be a busy and stressful time for most of us. The list includes holiday parties, hosting guests, shopping, gift wrapping, traveling, and cooking. Especially when you have young children, you’re expected to deliver the magic of Christmas with every chance you get. Through my journey living with MS, since I was a young adult, I have learned that doing the most during the holidays is not making the most of the holidays. I have since limited my holiday commitments and traveling to a minimum. This does not mean that I don’t enjoy and love the season; instead, it means I make it manageable, which makes it all the more enjoyable for me.  

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Always Evolving

By Kate

Sure, I can tell you about how frustrating it is to be too fatigued to play with my kids outside or what it’s like to worry that the drink in my right hand might end up on the floor (or on me). I can tell you about my fears about being able to be the mother my kids deserve and what it feels like to forget key information when I’m speaking to someone at work. It’s a lot and it’s constant, but that’s not what I want to focus on. I’ve been diagnosed with MS for six years and since then I’ve had two children, moved out of state and back, gone through a divorce, and started a new job. My world has changed and so have I. There are so many things I’ve read about the dark sides of MS and I certainly don’t want to downplay those aspects in the least, but I do want to also draw attention to something I hadn’t expected upon diagnosis – I woke up.

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Barbara Patrick – December 2023 Artist of the Month

MSAA features the work of many talented artists affected by multiple sclerosis as part of our annual MSAA Art Showcase. Each month we share these artists’ inspiring stories and beautiful artwork with you as our Artist of the Month. This month, we celebrate Barbara Patrick as the December Artist of the Month. Barbara is from Coulterville, CA.

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Prioritizing Self-Care

By Stacie Prada

Each year I approach the holiday season with excitedly high hopes and an underlying worry for the season’s demands. I know I need to be even more attentive to my health than usual to best navigate the next couple of months. Yet most years I put commitments and other people ahead of my needs. It leads to overwhelm and exacerbates my MS fatigue.

Self-care is an individual decision and responsibility, and it’s within our control.  So, what makes it so hard? Often, it’s the abundant needs of family, friends, profession, and self-imposed expectations competing with limited time, money, and energy to meet those needs. The demands of us and by us can be more than humanly possible to meet. So where do we draw the line?

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A Guide to Self-Care During the Holiday Season

Ahh…the holiday season! With its dazzling lights and festive cheer, the holidays can often bring a whirlwind of activities and expectations. Although it’s a joyous season, it can also bring forth chaos and stress. That’s why it’s crucial to prioritize self-care and ensure a harmonious and fulfilling celebration. Here are a few strategies to help you navigate the holiday season while keeping your well-being at the forefront:

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 Self-Care: The Best Care      

With the holidays just around the corner, it is natural to feel overwhelmed and stressed. We tend to prioritize everyone else’s needs and neglect our own. For those battling MS, the daily challenges can wear you down and take a toll on you. You might feel fatigued and have no energy to indulge in any activity. That’s why self-care is so important. Without ample rest and relaxation, you will feel burnt out. There is no perfect formula for self-care, but doing things that help you rejuvenate and heal is the key. Here are some activities you can do to indulge in self-care and make your holiday season more fun and livelier:

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