About Diana Cruz

Hello! My name is Diana Cruz and I am the Manager of Public Relations and Engagement at MSAA. I received my Bachelor of Science in Communication with a specialization in Advertising and Promotions from Southern Connecticut State University. I also own a party and event planning business with my two sisters. In my free time, I love doing escape rooms, visiting new places (restaurants, museums, etc.), watching movies, and laughing with my family and friends.

There is No Timeline for Taking Care of Yourself

By Diana Cruz

It’s the start of a new year; a fresh new calendar with 12 empty months waiting to be filled with the dates of all your dream vacations and the goals that are itching to be accomplished. Although it is a great time to kick start your journey of new beginnings and aspirations, it is not necessary to associate the new year with restarting.  

If you are in the midst of figuring out what you want out of life, it is okay to take your time in continuing to do so. Enjoying the journey of trial and error is what allows for a more positive experience and long-lasting results. I encourage you to take your time in pursuing your dreams and being patient in figuring out what that looks like for you.  

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Home for the Holidays 

By Diana Cruz

They say as you get older, the holidays tend to feel less special. There is more pressure to give the perfect gift, more work to be done to host guests, and less magic in waking up to presents under the tree. As much as I can understand the added pressures around the holidays as an adult, I can also say that there is so much more to be grateful for as I become more aware every year of what truly matters.  

Happy Holidays

This year, I can say I feel blessed enough to travel home to a family that means the world to me. The people, food, and shelter that I had become accustomed to and overlooked as gifts in themselves are now what makes my heart feel full. Seeing the happiness in my niece and nephew’s eyes as they rip apart wrapping paper (even on gifts that aren’t theirs) are moments that I will always hold on to. The love that my family encompasses is one like no other, and that is something that can never be gift-wrapped. Despite the hiccups and miscommunications that we experience, as I’m sure many others do, I can never thank them enough for the support and love that they unconditionally provide. That is what makes our home warm even on the coldest of days. The holidays for me this year remind me of all the simple things that we typically take for granted, but I know I would be lost without.  

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You Are Your Greatest Holiday Gift

By Diana Cruz

I’m someone you would call an “extroverted introvert,” or as Google so kindly put it, an ambivert. Spending time with my family and friends, and even getting out of my comfort zone to meet new people, brings me excitement and a sense of fulfillment. Yet, I’ve noticed that these feelings only bring me a positive experience when there is also a balance of “me time.” I’ve found that time alone to prepare prior to an event, as well as afterward to recharge is ideal, personally. However, as someone who comes from a big Dominican family, finding this time alone can sometimes be difficult, especially during the holidays.

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Change is Beautiful

Fall is undoubtedly my all-time favorite season. There is something so tranquil about feeling my favorite flannel brush against the cool breeze. The sight of beautiful vibrant leaves falling upon the jack-o-lantern on my doorstep brings color to my world. The scent of freshly baked cookies being carried throughout the house warms me as I watch classic horror movie reruns on the TV. But for a multitude of reasons, autumn this year resonates with me on a deeper, more existential level. It is the season of change, both externally and internally. As we come to adjust our surroundings and habits to correlate with our altering environment, we may begin to reflect inward.

"Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go." text graphic
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